function numbers2csv set argn (count $argv) if test $argn -gt 2 -o $argn -eq 0 echo "*** Usage: numbers2csv []" return -1 end set inputPath (path resolve $argv[1]) #set exportPath (path change-extension csv $inputPath) if test $argn -eq 2 set exportPath (path resolve $argv[2]) else set exportPath (mktemp) #trap "rm -f $exportPath" 0 2 3 15 #doesn't seem to work end set applescript " set inputPath to \"$inputPath\" set exportPath to \"$exportPath\" set inputFile to POSIX file inputPath set exportFile to POSIX file exportPath tell application \"Numbers\" set theDocument to open inputFile delay 1 export theDocument to exportFile as CSV close theDocument end tell " osascript -e $applescript if test $argn -eq 1 cat $exportPath rm -f $exportPath end end